Sow and Grow Plants- Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First Class.
We were learning about different plants and animals in our area. Our teacher signed up to Sow and Grow Ireland and they sent us a lovely planting pack.
We planted runner beans, carrots and cress. We used planting pots and compost.
We left our plants on the window sill so they could get some sun. We also gave them water everyday.
Plants need water, sun and love to grow. We really looked after them.
Cress grew the quickest and got really tall. After a while the runner beans started to grow. They got huge. Emilia's runner bean was halfway up the window!
Carrots were slower to grow but we could see them growing after three weeks.
We also planted some flowers and plants outside and it was great fun! We love planting!
Here are some of our favourite pictures of our plants.
Yummy Cress sandwiches!